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Spend Money




The spend money window allows you to SET UP an entry for any money which is spent, from whichever money account you choose.

The most important thing to note here is that the entries listed in this window have not actually been posted to the cashbook. 'Not posted' means that they have not altered the balance of the money account, or the expense account(s) against which they have been allocated. The entries here are merely being held on the system in a kind of pending tray.

The benefit of this is that you can see what the effect of an entry would be on a money account, both in this window and with the cashflow report, before actually posting the entry.

Marking Entries
When the list of entries first appears, each entry has an empty tick box at the right hand end of its line. If you click in the box, you are marking the entry as one which you want to post to the cashbook, and you will see from the balances at bottom of the window what the effect of posting that entry would be. Note that you are just marking it, you have not yet posted it, so you can click on the tick again to make it disappear. You can continue through the list of entries, ticking and unticking, to see what effect posting certain entries would have on the money account's balance. In this way you may see things such as what bills you could, or could not, afford to pay, or look at what purchases you may be able to afford in the future.

Posting Entries

Once you have decided which entries you want to post to the cashbook, and have ticked those entries, clicking the Post button will send those entries to the cashbook. Those entries will now alter the relevant bank and expense accounts, and will no longer be shown in this window. If you wish to find an entry which has been posted to the cashbook, you can find it through the Cashbook Journal window. It is very important to remember that when you have posted an entry to the cashbook, you will not be able to change its details - so don't post an entry to the cashbook until you need to.

Copying Entries
If you have created an entry and you wish to make a copy of it, you may do so by first clicking on the line of the entry you wish to copy, then clicking the Copy button to create a duplicate. This is an ideal way to create repeating entries - in other words, bills that you regularly pay such as direct debits and standing orders. To do this for a direct debit, for example, you would first create an entry and fill in the details of the direct debit. When you need to post a payment to the cashbook, make a copy of the original, change any appropriate details on the copy such as date or ID number, and finally post the copy to the cashbook. The original stays in the Spend Money window ready to be used again, and the copy is sent to the cashbook.

Deleting Entries
You are free to delete any of the entries shown in the Spend Money window. They are, as has been mentioned before, in a kind of 'pending tray' and have not altered the balance of any money or expense account - so deleting them has no effect on the rest of the program.

Creating New Entries
After you have selected a money account, clicking the New button will show you the Entry window where you input the details of the new entry. For more information on the Entry window, you will find it in the Money Windows list. When you have finished making the new entry and closed the Entry window, you will be returned to the Spend Money window where you will find the new entry has been added to the list.